
For over 70 years, Yong In University has been nurturing genuine leaders of talent and strong character.





Course Name
History of Western Art Basic Oriental Painting
Basic Western Painting History of Oriental Art
Advenced Western Painting Advenced Oriental Painting
Course Name
Printmaking Introductory Printmaking Mixed Media: Meaning and Expression 1
Understanding of Contemporary Art Painting Techniques 1
The Basic Study of Oriental Paining Photography Photo Workshop
The Advenced Study of Korean Paining Painting Techniques 2
Art education method Mixed Media: Meaning and Expression 2
Course Name
Study of Painting 1 [Capstone] Exhibition Planning Workshop 1
[Capstone] Graduation Work Project Theory of Art Education
Contemporary Painting 1 Development of an Art education program
Freely Works of Basic Oriental Paining Mixed Media: Expression and interpretation 1
[Capstone] Exhibition Planning Workshop 1 The Advenced creative of Korean Paining
Contemporary Painting 2 Mixed Media: Expression and interpretation 2
Study of Painting 2 Study of Contemporary Artists
[Capstone] Graduation Work Project 2 -
Course Name
Study of Painting 1 [Capstone] Exhibition Planning Workshop 1
[Capstone] Graduation Work Project Theory of Art Education
Contemporary Painting 1 Development of an Art education program
Freely Works of Basic Oriental Paining Mixed Media: Expression and interpretation 1
[Capstone] Exhibition Planning Workshop 1 [Capstone] Graduation Work Project 2
Study of Contemporary Artists Study of Painting 2
Mixed Media: Expression and interpretation 2 Contemporary Painting 2
The Advenced creative of Korean Paining -


Baek Beom Young Lee Boram
Sooyoung Song -