
For over 70 years, Yong In University has been nurturing genuine leaders of talent and strong character.

Department of Drama

The YIU Department of Theatre provides solid practical education based on theoretical foundations spanning stage performance, performance production, and design to train creative professional talents at the forefront of the performance arts industry. In particular, the department leads the way in nurturing professional and creative talents through on-site specialized education, providing a variety of international exchange and educational opportunities, and via a variety of exchanges and cooperation with other disciplines. Graduates can pursue careers in acting as theatre actors, musical actors, or stage directors, performance art designers, performance planners, and much more.



Course Name
Basic Play Practice Introduction to Theater
Drama Analysis Introduction to Theater
Drama Analysis Basic of technical work in Theatre
Basic course of imagination and expression Basic Play Practice
Basic of technical work in Theatre Basic course of imagination and expression
Advanced Theater Operations History of Theatre
Theatre Basic Production History of Theatre
Theatre Basic Production Advanced course of imagination and expression
Advanced Play Practice Advanced Theater Operations
Advanced course of imagination and expression Advanced Play Practice
Course Name
Sound & Body Basic course of technical work in production
Space & Body Basic of Scene Composition and Design
Sound & Body Basic course of technical work in production
Space & Body Basic of Scene Composition and Design
Directing Theory Body & Object
In-depth course of Scene Composition and Design Sound & Body
Directing Theory Body & Object
In-depth course of Scene Composition and Design Sound & Body
Course Name
Pedagogy for research and practice of drama Performance Practice(Capstone Design)
Performance Production 1 (Capstone Design) Basic Musical Practice
Basic Research Project on Special Theme in Theater Media & Acting
Pedagogy for research and practice of drama Performance Practice(Capstone Design)
Performance Production 1 (Capstone Design) Basic Musical Practice
Basic Research Project on Special Theme in Theater Media & Acting
Logic & Essay of drama Advanced Performance Practice(Capstone Design)
Performance Production 2(Capstone Design) Playwriting
Advanced Musical Practice Advanced Research Project on Special Theme in Theater
Theatre and film curriculum research and map method Logic & Essay of drama
Advanced Performance Practice(Capstone Design) Performance Production 2(Capstone Design)
Playwriting Advanced Musical Practice
Advanced Research Project on Special Theme in Theater Theatre and film curriculum research and map method
Course Name
Pedagogy for research and practice of drama Performance Practice(Capstone Design)
Performance Production 1 (Capstone Design) Basic Musical Practice
Basic Research Project on Special Theme in Theater Media & Acting
Pedagogy for research and practice of drama Performance Practice(Capstone Design)
Performance Production 1 (Capstone Design) Basic Musical Practice
Basic Research Project on Special Theme in Theater Media & Acting
Logic & Essay of drama Theatre and film curriculum research and map method
Advanced Research Project on Special Theme in Theater Advanced Musical Practice
Playwriting Performance Production 2(Capstone Design)
Advanced Performance Practice(Capstone Design) Logic & Essay of drama
Theatre and film curriculum research and map method Advanced Research Project on Special Theme in Theater
Advanced Musical Practice Playwriting
Performance Production 2(Capstone Design) Advanced Performance Practice(Capstone Design)


Lee Gye chang kim, jong-seok
Oh Taehun Ahn kyung mo